Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hot & Cold

After the Inter-Zone carnival over the weekend, which is used by our state to select representative teams, I can’t say our team performed well overall. It seems when some people are very close to being given opportunities for State selection they go ahead and do some harmful things to their own chances and jeopardise other team mates prospects in the process.

Right now the Zone and State activities seem excessive in terms of time commitment. Some of the guys who represent at Australian level, I think, should be exempt from lower level Zone activities and be granted some time off Zone events. Why do players like Aron Sherriff and Wayne Turley really need to be there this weekend? What do they have to prove at State level?

I have a pretty good couple of weeks ahead. The City Master Singles is on and apparently there is betting (what event is there not at the moment) on it with Mat Pieterson installed as favourite. This is fair enough as he just won a car at Park Beach and is a former State Singles winner. I am not going in with any expectations. Sets play always brings out some surprise results. I just want to run good if I get into tie breakers and try to nail my first bowl. If I create some good heads and convert when I need to I will be happy.

On Friday we managed to start up a cash game after a poker tournament and in two hours I went up 12 buy ins in a crazy hot poker game. I was mainly dominating when we were all in but when I was in 50/50 situations I won all but one. Safe to say I was a favourite with my JJ Vs 77 Vs 34 off! The only hand I lost was with JJ Vs AK Vs Q5 suited for 50 big blinds. I also flopped a straight, and mainly played pretty tight in this game, bluffed a couple and showed for some image.

This week I hit some goals online and also made a bit of money in live poker as mentioned above. I am really making steady strides. When the Pokerstars ANZPT comes around I will enter some events, I am also looking at some EPT events where I can combine travel with some tournaments while in Europe. If I can get some reliable prepaid mobile broadband while I am there then that would be sweet also for online tournaments.

I had my mid semester exams last week and didn’t play poker for a week prior. It made me really keen this week to play and probably improved my uni marks and poker results this week. A good friend who is going over to Japan for a 6 month uni exchange has been doing very well in heads up sit and go’s online, every time a check he has made another thousand. His ROI is equivalent to mine over a shorter period but he is making more per unit/game/SNG. I am playing more games at a time (multi tabling) where as I am pretty sure he is mono-tabling. I am playing turbo tournaments exclusively where as I have noted he is mixing in non turbo tournaments which take longer on average. I guess we both just have to go with our strengths and find what is most profitable for our style of play. It really highlights that there are many forms of the game that can be specialised in.

Importantly, we both table select and I think this is very important for our longer term profitability. I much prefer playing many tables as it reduces my volatility and enables me to consistently play well without being jilted by a couple of bad results on some tables. Another friend who 12 tables cash games worked out after his 3-4 hour session of play that he had played as many hands as someone who would sit live at a casino for 2 weeks 8 hours a day.

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